Let’s Keep The In-Person Learning …

Preschooler learning Mathematical concepts at La Jolla Montessori School
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December 10, 2020
Boy painting outside
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December 10, 2020

Let’s Keep The In-Person Learning …

As you know, millions of students across America have not set foot on school grounds since March. Yet, in-person learning at La Jolla Montessori School (LJMS) has continued since May!


LJMS has built extensive protections and protocols into our facility. From daily EPA approved fogging to immediate clean-ups at workstations, our Montessori teachers–and you–have been working ceaselessly to keep the streak alive.


What streak?

The streak of ZERO COVID-19 days of sickness or infection for every last person at our school!

We’re very proud of this. It means that our total teamwork protocols are—and have been—working!

While millions of students are sitting at home or dealing with home learning via Zoom video calls, LJMS continues to teach students in-person, one at a time, at their own pace, in their own clean space, and following their own passions indoors and out.

Thus, we’ve kept our children safe and relatively unaffected despite the most exhausting, emotionally trying set of events and hardships in our lifetimes. 

This is the difference between our private school and the others. Our kids continue to conduct in-person learning just like we have the past nine months. Your children’s social and academic development has continued seamlessly.

Enjoy Your Break!

As we approach the holidays, please continue honoring your commitment to our school and community.

San Diego County and the CA Department of Public Health asks everyone to avoid unnecessary travel. A statewide travel advisory states that persons arriving to CA from other states or countries—including returning residents—to practice self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival and limit personal interactions to their immediate household. 

So, if you decide to travel over the holidays, please be responsible and ever-vigilant. 

Your decision to travel also impacts every La Jolla Montessori classmate, teacher and family. If we have just one COVID-19 case, we will have to quarantine the classroom. That’s something no one wants.

We greatly appreciate your support. Help us keep the in-person learning streak alive! No COVID at La Jolla Montessori School! Thank you for making this a reality!