The Positive Parenting Approach

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The Positive Parenting Approach

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is an approach that focuses on good behavior being nurtured versus focusing on bad behavior and punishment. Parents that use this approach accept their children just the way they are with compassion and empathy instead of criticism and punishment to correct problematic behavior. By practicing positive parenting, they proactively fulfill their child’s emotional needs through positive interactions, which can prevent a great deal of bad behavior from happening in the first place. 

This is often mistaken for “no discipline” parenting but that is not what positive parenting is. Positive parenting holds children to realistic standards by using clear expectations and empowering children to become the resilient and capable children you hope them to be. Parents who take this approach often raise more independent children who are well-rounded and prepared to face daily activities. The impact of saying “YES” in your positive parenting approach will be beneficial for the child and parent relationship.

 “YES” Parenting

Positive parenting gives children the emotional support they need to grow in their own time. As the parent, you will need to be clear with expectations, discuss consequences upfront, and ask your child to input their thoughts on the task. This gives them a sense of belonging and allows them to feel heard in family decisions. Now that the plan has been discussed the child knows what to expect and what will happen if they do not follow through. This creates expectations for the child and gives them the opportunity to make the right decisions without you, the parent having to tell them “No” repeatedly. In instances where you know the result you need from the child, instead of saying “no, do this”, give the child two options, both of which lead to the result you desire. For example, you can ask the child, “Would you rather brush your teeth first or after getting dressed for school?” Or, “Would you rather have papaya or avocado with your breakfast?” This gives the child ownership of their decisions and still gets the result the parent desires without saying “no” repeatedly.

Helpful Tips for Positive Parenting

Here are tips on how you can adopt supportive and effective positive parenting practices:

  • Positivity matters!
  • Options foster independence.
  • Give your child lots of nurturing physical attention.
  • Redirect attention to shift activities as needed.
  • Be clear with expectations.
  • Guide your child through their mistakes.
  • Stay Consistent.
  • Discipline over punishment.
  • Let it go unless it will result in a safety or well-being concern.
  • Don’t ever give up on your child!

The positive parenting approach gives parents the opportunity to create thriving environments for their children. The impact of saying “YES” can be beneficial in fostering independent children who can make sound choices in various situations. Focusing on what your child can do and setting clear boundaries with expectations puts positive parenting in a good position to avoid emotional dysregulation. No matter what, fill your positive parenting approach with love.