Montessori Versus Traditional Schoo …

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Montessori Versus Traditional Schoo …

Easily the most asked question by parents when touring La Jolla Montessori School (LJMS) is: “What are the main differences between Montessori versus traditional schools?” 

By traditional schools, we mean public, faith-based and private options.

Our answer is simple. 

The core difference: Montessori teachers focus on concepts rather than memorization.

At LJMS, Students work at their own pace based via individualized learning. They:

  • are allowed and encouraged to focus on their passions
  • learn via peer-age groupings rather than all kids being the same age
  • do not take tests or get homework or grades
  • do not have to learn the same lesson at the same time with 23 other kids, so their instructor can focus directly on individualized learning
  • learn a second language.

Our three-year English/Spanish bilingual program teaches via an all-day immersion method. This daily approach allows students to learn words and grammar in two languages. Their peer group helps round out rough edges. By the end of Kindergarten, they’ll speak the second language fluently. Additionally, this dual-language approach helps children process other neural skills like mathematics. 

How These Differences Benefit Your Child

Shortly after we discuss these ‘major’ differences between Montessori versus traditional schools, we see many quizzical faces. 

That’s when their second question is asked: “How do these differences help my child?”

Our answer: “We create a more personalized educational start for your child that is based on creating a lifetime love of learning.” 

That means your children are not sardined into groups of 25 who all are born during the same year and all have to memorize the same thing at the same time because that’s the way it is.

110 years of Montessori teaching has shown that our students look at the world differently.

They start by wanting to go to school because the focus is on them as an individual. 

Montessori teachers get to know your children very well and bring out their inherent traits. They let your children focus on their skills and passions, so they are willing to work to learn more. They socialize with both older and younger children who help each other learn. They’re not pressured to learn; rather, they enjoy learning. 

When the school day is done, they don’t go home and complete homework or have to study for a graded test. Instead, they play outside, help out at dinner and learn from their parents and siblings. 

At day’s end, these differences create an independent child, a child who loves to learn and will grow into an adult who also loves to learn. 

The difference between Montessori versus traditional schools

La Jolla Montessori School teaches young children to become successful adults in a way that other public, faith-based or private schools cannot.