Blending Freedom and Discipline in …

Children dancing to music at La Jolla Montessori school
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Girl learning how to button and unbutton clothes at La Jolla Montessori School
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Blending Freedom and Discipline in …

When toddlers as young as 18 months enter La Jolla Montessori School, their world—and their place in it—becomes immediately larger. This first opportunity to connect with others builds a child’s independence while starting a social, emotional and academic journey towards well-rounded learning that includes personal freedom and discipline.

Unlike homeschooling or daycare, Montessori preschool employs degreed, accredited and experienced loving teacher guides. Their job: observe your child and learn his or her strengths, likes, dislikes, growth needs and overall abilities. Here is where The Montessori Edge begins.

Lifelong Learning Begins With Love

At La Jolla Montessori School, our youngest students start with toilet learning and management. From here, they learn sensorially—seeing, hearing, smelling and touching—to grasp concepts. 

Next, daily dual English/Spanish language lessons increase their neural pathways while fostering their knowledge of where places are, who lives where, who grows what, when things happen and above all, why, why, why. 

Mixed-Age Peer Group Learning

When first-time Montessori parents visit our school and its peaceful indoor and outdoor play areas and workspaces, what they see is organized chaos! That’s because we use mixed-age peer group learning.

In our La Jolla Montessori preschool, you’ll see toddlers aged 18 to thirty-six months; primary students who are three and four; and Kindergarten students aged five and six who are learning individually–but also via intermingled groups.

It is this mix of younger and older students that build a foundation based on emulation by the youngest and leadership by the oldest children. The young want to shed diapers once they see older children who don’t wear them. The older students build mentoring and leadership because they can help their younger friends progress to the next phase of social and emotional learning. And the middle-aged students see it all—what they were a short 12 months ago and where they’ll be twelve short months from now.

Montessori Philosophy and Methodology

This wonderful blend of mixed-age peer group learning, methodology and philosophy is enhanced by:

  • respecting and treating children like adults
  • giving children permission to move around and work on their own under the guidance of a teacher and,
  • learning self-discipline to manage this freedom.

Montessori teachers don’t give kids the answers. We give them the questions! 

It’s your child’s job to DIY—do it yourself. 


Learning, doing, understanding and mastering tasks is how freedom and discipline blend within the La Jolla Preschool Montessori classroom to mold each child’s independence. That’s The Montessori Edge at work—blending teaching philosophy and detailed methodology to create self-discipline, self-worth and independence towards achieving a lifelong love of learning.

La Jolla Montessori School is located at 8745 La Jolla Scenic Drive North, just minutes from the I-5 at La Jolla Village Drive intersection. Visit today.